Saturday 9 January 2010

Winter Wonderland In Cardiff

No biking this week but instead I pertook in some snow fun. Not entierly sure what the old dear is doing though

Look out I'm comming for you!!!

Who said Snow is fun????????????????

Sunday 3 January 2010

Scenic Sunday - The Tardis At Caerphilly Castle, Wales

Perched on top of one of the towers is an unusual site to be seen on a Sunday morning. Dr Who and his Tardis on top of Caerphilly Castle, Wales.

For more Scenic Sundays look here.

Saturday 10 October 2009

A Trip To Watch The Blues

A boys night out a couple of weeks ago to Cardiff City's new Stadium and also new home of the Blues to watch Cardiff Blues v Glasgow Warriors. A great time was had, even though I still think there should be a goalie between the posts and there seemed to be rather a lot of handballs!!!!! Unfortunately for the Blues though, there miserable start to the season continued with yet another loss although this time it could not be totally unexpected since the visitors did come from the rugby world power house north of the border. Could it be that this is the rebirth of Scottish rugby.
P.S mummy was not happy at the result
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The Giant Goes Skinny

In an effort to reduce rolling resistance the Giant has gone skinny with 1.50 tyres on the rear and 1.75 (courtesy) of granpops on the front. Whilst this has undoutably speeded the daily journey of daddy to work I think the giant is missing its off road workout that granpops used to provide, albeit he usually ended up on his bottom somewhere down the trail.
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Sunday 30 August 2009

12 Mile Sunday

Take one mummy, 2 children, 1 daddy and throw in a 12 mile trip on the taff trail and what do you get?

  1. one very tired 4 year old

  2. one hyper 6 year old

  3. one mummy with a very sore bottom

Thats what family days are all about

Monday 24 August 2009

Sky Watch Scotland 1

My first Sky Watch post
Lochleven, Scotland.
Is that a monster or a bit of wood!!!!
For more skies around the world click here

My Summer Hols

The Kinnairds

Granpops me and cousin Lauren

The Falkirk Wheel, a wonder of Scottish engineering (the modern equivalent of canal locks)

Me and Granpops at the bumps

Softplay at Linlithco

Well, can you believe it. Its nearly the end of my second school summer hols and where has the time gone?? (or as my dad would say "thank goodness we are nearly there).
The highlight of the hols so far was the trip to see granpops and granma in Scotland, both of who were in fine fetal.
Apart from the car journey, 8 hrs of hell interrupted by the odd "are we there yet?" all went well.
Above are a few pics